The chain began to supply its stores using trucks that pollute the air much less.
Ecological trucks with a combined CNG/LNG drive began to increase among the supply vehicles of the well-known chain. It is a gas drive that produces only minimal emissions.
“We load our stores with fresh goods every day. At the same time, we try to plan truck routes as efficiently as possible, to make full use of them and to use them also for reverse logistics from stores to central warehouses. We take all these measures with the aim of reducing our impact on the environment,” said Miroslav Růžička, CEO of Lidl Slovak Republic.”
“As a modern company that really cares about the environment, we are constantly trying to find green solutions,” he added.
Ecological trucks will preferentially load stores in densely populated zones with goods.

Other benefits
A truck can travel 400 kilometers on one tank of CNG gas. When liquid LNG is added to this, the range is extended up to 1,200 kilometers.
“Green” trucks do not pollute the air and are significantly less noisy. Lidl will gradually increase the number of ecological trucks.
They reduce the carbon footprint in the long term
The discount chain has been trying to reduce its own carbon footprint for a long time. He claims that in all buildings he uses exclusively energy from renewable sources, from the production of hydropower plants.
Seven stores have photovoltaic panels installed on their roofs to generate electricity from sunlight. During the past years, about 137,000 kWh were produced in this way, which means more than 40 tons of CO2 emissions that were not released into the atmosphere.
Additional measures for the environment
The chain has also replaced the old lighting with LEDs in all its stores, focuses on energy-efficient appliances, has one of the greenest logistics centers in Europe and has successfully implemented an energy management system.
In new stores, it installs heat pumps that use energy from the surrounding environment and instead of synthetic refrigerants, it uses natural refrigerants that have a lower value of the Global Warming Potential (GWP) index.
Thanks to all this, Lidl passed the environmental audit of the ENVI-PAK organization as one of the first companies in Slovakia and received a certificate for responsible organizations.