LNG je alternatívnym palivom, ktoré sa stalo realitou. LNG terminál fungujúci v Poľsku, v Svinoústí, je časťou plynového koridoru sever – juh. Predstavuje alternatívnu cestu dodávok plynu a zabezpečuje diverzifikáciu dodávok plynu. Navyše, LNG rozvíja viaceré aspekty – v rámci nich ciele EK na znižovanie emisií v doprave.Aký je teda stav príprav na využívanie LNG na Slovensku, aké budú navrhované opatrenia a čo sa v tejto oblasti konkrétne deje? Ako sú na tom v susednom Poľsku ? O týchto záležitostiach a reálnych skúsenostiach s LNG diskutovali účastníci panelovej diskusie so zástupcami PGNiG, Polskie LNG, Proprietary Partners a Európskej Investičnej Banky, ktoré sa uskutočnilo v Bratislave, 20.marca2019 v zastúpení Európskej Komisie na Slovensku.

How is LNG changing the gas market of Central Europe?

LNG is an alternative fuel that has become a reality. The LNG terminal operating in Poland, in Świnoujście, is part of the North-South gas corridor. It represents an alternative route of gas supplies and ensures the diversification of gas supplies. In addition, LNG develops several aspects – within them the EC’s goals for reducing emissions in transport.

LNG is an alternative fuel that has become a reality. The LNG terminal operating in Poland, in Świnoujście, is part of the North-South gas corridor. It represents an alternative route of gas supplies and ensures the diversification of gas supplies. In addition, LNG develops several aspects - among them the EC's goals for reducing emissions in transport. So what is the state of preparations for the use of LNG in Slovakia, what will be the proposed measures and what is happening in this area specifically? How are things in neighboring Poland? These issues and real experiences with LNG were discussed by the participants of the panel discussion with representatives of PGNiG, Polskie LNG, Proprietary Partners and the European Investment Bank, which took place in Bratislava on March 20, 2019 at the European Commission's representative office in Slovakia.

So what is the status of preparations for the use of LNG in Slovakia, what will be the proposed measures and what is happening in this area specifically?

LNG is an alternative fuel that has become a reality. The LNG terminal operating in Poland, in Świnoujście, is part of the North-South gas corridor. It represents an alternative route of gas supplies and ensures the diversification of gas supplies. In addition, LNG develops several aspects - among them the EC's goals for reducing emissions in transport. So what is the state of preparations for the use of LNG in Slovakia, what will be the proposed measures and what is happening in this area specifically? How are things in neighboring Poland? These issues and real experiences with LNG were discussed by the participants of the panel discussion with representatives of PGNiG, Polskie LNG, Proprietary Partners and the European Investment Bank, which took place in Bratislava on March 20, 2019 at the European Commission's representative office in Slovakia.

How are things in neighboring Poland? These issues and real experiences with LNG were discussed by the participants of the panel discussion with representatives of PGNiG, Polskie LNG, Proprietary Partners and the European Investment Bank, which took place in Bratislava on March 20, 2019 at the European Commission’s representative office in Slovakia.

LNG is an alternative fuel that has become a reality. The LNG terminal operating in Poland, in Świnoujście, is part of the North-South gas corridor. It represents an alternative route of gas supplies and ensures the diversification of gas supplies. In addition, LNG develops several aspects - among them the EC's goals for reducing emissions in transport. So what is the state of preparations for the use of LNG in Slovakia, what will be the proposed measures and what is happening in this area specifically? How are things in neighboring Poland? These issues and real experiences with LNG were discussed by the participants of the panel discussion with representatives of PGNiG, Polskie LNG, Proprietary Partners and the European Investment Bank, which took place in Bratislava on March 20, 2019 at the European Commission's representative office in Slovakia.

Source of the article at LNG.sk


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